* * * PDP-11 ftp sites informational posting * * * Posted to: vmsnet.pdp-11, alt.sys.pdp11, comp.os.rsts Here is a list of useful pdp-11 ftp sites that I have compiled. Each entry has the name and numerical address of the ftp site, the relevant directories at that site, the (as best as I could determine) maintainer of that site, and some of my own comments about the contents of that site. All of these sites are currently accessible via anonymous ftp; use the username anonymous, and for the password send your full e-mail address. If you have any comments, corrections, or additions, don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail at shoppa@altair.krl.caltech.edu. The most current version of this list will be available via anonymous ftp from sunsite.unc.edu as the file pdp-11.ftp in the directory /pub/academic/computer-science/history/pdp-11. Shameless plug: I'm looking for pdp-11 users who would be willing to make part of their public domain software collection (DECUS tapes, etc.) available via ftp. I can transfer data from many media (8mm or 9-track magtape preferred, but I can also handle TU58's, TK50's, RX0n's, RX50's, RK05's, RA60's, and RL0n's) and several pdp-11 OS formats (RSX-11, RSX-11 BRU, RT-11, VMS) to the collection at sunsite. Or even better, upload what you have to the directory /pub/academic/computer-science/history/pdp-11/incoming at sunsite.unc.edu and e-mail to me the details of your submission. A word about file formats: many ftp sites only know about files as streams of bytes (e.g. Unix-based OS's) and cannot properly handle the wide variety of more complex files available under, for example, RSX-11. Dealing with this problem in a reasonable way is a formidable task. One suggestion is to store sets of files as TPC images of BRU tapes, but this method has the disadvantage of making the files inaccesible to those without a working BRU and a tape drive (of course, those with a VAX running VMS and using the DECUS program BRUREAD can take a plain TPC image as input without having to use an actual tape drive). Another suggestion is to use the RSX-11 librarian's .ULB format to store files along with their special attributes. Recently I've come across a very large collection of RSX DECUS tapes and I'm open to suggestions as to how others would prefer to have me make these available via ftp. To make things even more confusing, even the way that the simple file structure of RT-11 is handled differs from site to site. In particular, the "newline" convention in RT-11 text files is different than the Unix convention. Different sites have tackled this problem in different ways. At ftp.update.uu.se, for example, RT-11 text files have been translated into the Unix newline convention. This means that text files from this site must be ftp'ed and/or Kermit'ed onto your RT-11 system in text (or ASCII) mode, while all other files must be done in binary (or Image) mode. RT-11 files at other sites, such as sunsite.unc.edu, are stored as exact images of the RT-11 files. These files should be always transferred in binary (or Image) mode at every step. Share and Enjoy! Tim Shoppa (shoppa@altair.krl.caltech.edu) Kellogg Radiation Lab, Caltech. *************************************************************************** Site: sunsite.unc.edu ( Directory: /pub/academic/computer-science/history/pdp-11 Maintainer: Tim Shoppa (shoppa@altair.krl.caltech.edu) Comments: main pdp-11 directories are: hardware Miscellaneous documentation on PDP-11 hardware, including Ron Copley's guide to Unibus and Q-bus modules (field-guide.txt) decusdocs Compilations from DECUSserve coferences, containing very useful hardware and software tips. rt RT-11 sig tapes from DECUS rsx RSX-11 sig tapes from DECUS emulator PDP-11 emulators games Games for PDP-11's (various OS's) kermit krt and k11 versions of pdp-11 kermit language The PDP-11 C compiler from DECUS utils Various PDP-11 utilities teco Teco stuff from SIG tapes and other sources. Site: ftp.update.uu.se ( Directory: /pub/pdp11 Maintainer: Johnny Billquist (bqt@update.uu.se) Comments: Several RT-11 sig tapes, in rt/11s108, rt/11s109, rt/11s113, and rt/11sp68 subdirectories. DEC Professional stuff, in pos subdirectory. Site: tats.wizvax.net [] Directory: pub/e11, pub/putr, pub/pdp11 Maintainer: John Wilson (wilson@tats.wizvax.net) Comments: PDP-11 simulator for DOS PCs, program to read/write RX50s (and other media), Fuzzball distribution, DL11 MIDI information Site: shop-pdp.kent.edu ( Maintainer: Alan Baldwin (???) Comments: TCPIP for TSX+ systems. Cross assemblers for many micro's. Site: ftp.village.org ( Maintainer: Dieter "Dworkin" Muller (dworkin@village.org) Comments: pdp-11 faq Site: en.ecn.purdue.edu (, Directory: pdp-11 Maintainer: Mike Young (young@ecn.purdue.edu) Comments: ACPs for RSX-11, DECUS C compiler. Site: ftp.spc.edu Directory: [anonymous.*] Maintainer: Terry Kennedy (terry@spcvxa.spc.edu) Comments: [finger11] Finger for RSTS [k11] Kermit's for various PDP-11 OS's [rstscle] Command line editor for RSTS third-party-disks.txt Excellent docs on RD5n disks.