Note 4.0                     LSI-11/73 Upgrade Paths                  No replies
JAWS::KAISER                                        300 lines  25-MAR-1985 09:15
      +---------------+					   +-----------------+
      | d i g i t a l |					   |  uNOTE #004     |
      +---------------+					   +-----------------+

      | Title: LSI-11/73 Upgrade Paths			   | Date: 28-NOV-83 |
      | Originator: Mike Collins			   | Page 1 of 6     |

      With the announcement of the KDJ11-A CPU module, there will be  numerous
      questions	 regarding  configuring the module into a current system.  The
      purpose of this MicroNote	 is  to	 address  all  possible	 configuration
      upgrade paths (within reason).

      Generally a KDJ11-A will be installed as an upgrade to  a	 system	 built
      from components or DEC packaged system.

      In the case of a component upgrade it is	assumed	 the  processor	 is  a
      KDF11-A  and  the	 boot  mechanism  is an MXV11-A with the MXV11-A2 Boot

      System upgrades fall into 2 categories:
	       1. KDF11-A based systems and
	       2. KDF11-B based systems (11/23+ and Micro/PDP-11)

      There are 3 issues which must be addressed when  considering  a  KDJ11-A
      upgrade.	They are:
	       1. The Boot mechanism
	       2. 18 or 22 bit system
	       3. Single or multiple box system


	      1.  In the following upgrade scenarios, the systems have
	      been  labeled  as	 being	Field  Serviceable  or not.  A
	      system which is Field Serviceable has a bootstrap	 which
	      meets  Field  Service  requirements.  The requirement is
	      that the bootstrap must execute an  11/73	 cache	memory
	      diagnostic  on power-up.	There is no guarantee that the
	      overall system will be Field Serviceable or that it will
	      be FCC compliant.

	      2.  Systems  using  CPU's	 other	than  the  KDF11-A  or
	      KDF11-B  (i.e.   11/03  systems)	are not considered for

      CAUTION:	It is recommended that the AC and DC  loading  for  the	 final
      configuration  be	 checked for conformance with the Q-Bus loading rules.
      It is also recommended to check for overloading on the +5 Volt  and  +12
      Volt Power Supplies.
								Page 2

      For each system upgrade the following parameters are listed for both the
      'Current' system and the 'Upgraded' system:
	       1. CPU
	       2. Boot Mechanism
	       3. System Size
	       4. Number of Boxes
	       5. Field Serviceable or not
	       6. Special Conditions


      1. Current System		      Upgrade 1
	 --------------		      ---------
	 KDF11-A		      KDJ11-A
	 MXV11-A		      MXV11-B/MRV11-D with MXV11-B2 Boot ROMs
	 18 Bit System		      18 Bit System
	 1 Box			      1 Box
				      Field Serviceable

				      Upgrade 2
				      18 Bit System
				      1 Box
				      NOT Field Serviceable

      2. Current System		      Upgrade
	 --------------		      -------
	 KDF11-A		      See upgrades for category	 1
	 18 Bit System
	 More than 1 box

      3. Current System		      Upgrade
	 --------------		      -------
	 KDF11-A		      See upgrades for category	 1
	 MXV11-A (Memory Disabled)
	 22 Bit System
	 1 Box

      4. Current System		      Upgrade
	 --------------		      -------
	 KDF11-A		      Not currently configureable with
	 MXV11-A (Memory Disabled)    DEC equipment.
	 22 Bit System
	 More than 1 box
	 This system is not currently configureable with DEC equipment.
								Page 3


      5. Current System		      Upgrade 1
	 --------------		      ---------
	 KDF11-A		      KDJ11-A
	 BDV11			      MXV11-B/MRV11-D with MXV11-B2 Boot ROMs
	 18 Bit System		      18 Bit System
	 1 Box			      1 Box
				      Field Serviceable

				      Upgrade 2
				      18 Bit System
				      1 Box
				      NOT Field Serviceable
				      Disable the Processor and Memory tests
				      and also the BEVNT register on the

				      Upgrade 3
				      MXV11-A (with MXV11-A2 boot ROMs)
				      18 Bit System
				      1 Box System
				      NOT Field Serviceable
				      Check AC loading since termination was
				      removed when the BDV11 was removed from
				      the system.

      6. Current System		      Upgrade 1
	 --------------		      ---------
	 KDF11-A		      KDJ11-A
	 BDV11			      MXV11-B/MRV11-D with MXV11-B2 Boot ROMs
	 18 Bit System		      18 Bit System
	 More than 1 Box	      More than 1 box
				      Field Serviceable
				      Use BCV1A and BCV1B expansion cables.

				      Upgrade 2
				      18 Bit System
				      More than 1 Box
				      NOT Field Serviceable
				      Disable the Processor and Memory tests
				      and also the BEVNT register on the
				      Use BCV1B cable set between 1st and 2nd
				      box and the BCV1A cable set between the
				      2nd and 3rd box.	Note: If in a 3 box
				      system the expansion cable set lengths
				      must differ by 4 ft.
								Page 4

				      Upgrade 3
				      MXV11-A (with MXV11-A2 boot ROMs)
				      18 Bit System
				      More than 1 Box
				      NOT Field Serviceable
				      Use BCV1A and BCV1B expansion cables.

      7. Current System
	 22 Bit System
	 1 Box
	 Systems with this configuration were never shipped by DEC.


      8. Current System		      Upgrade 1
	 --------------		      ---------
	 KDF11-B		      KDJ11-A
	 Boot is on CPU		      MXV11-B/MRV11-D with MXV11-B2 Boot ROMs
	 22 Bit System		      22 Bit System
	 1 Box System		      1 Box
				      Field Serviceable

				      Upgrade 2
				      MXV11-A (with MXV11-A2 boot ROMs)
				      22 Bit System
				      1 Box
				      NOT Field Serviceable
				      Must disable RAM on MXV11-A.

				      Upgrade 3
				      22 Bit System
				      1 Box System
				      NOT Field Serviceable
				      Must have BDV11 ECO M8012-ML005
				      installed.  Disable the Processor and
				      Memory tests and also the BEVNT register
				      on the BDV11.
								Page 5

      9. Current System		      Upgrade 1
	 --------------		      ---------
	 KDF11-B		      Not currently configureable with
	 Boot is on CPU		      DEC equipment.
	 22 Bit System
	 More than 1 Box

				      Upgrade 2
				      Not currently configureable with
				      DEC equipment.

				      Upgrade 3
				      Not currently configureable with
				      DEC equipment.


      10. Current System	      Upgrade
	  --------------	      -------
	  Micro/PDP-11		      Same as 11/23+ rules, see category
	  KDF11-BE		       8, Upgrade 1.  Upgrades 2 and
	  Boot is on CPU	      3 are not recommended since the
	  22 Bit System		      MXV11-A and BDV11 cannot boot the
	  1 Box system		      5 1/4" media in the Micro/PDP-11.

      11. Current System	      Upgrade
	  --------------	      -------
	  Micro/PDP-11		      Same as 11/23+ rules, see upgrades
	  KDF11-BE		      for category  9.
	  Boot is on CPU
	  22 Bit System
	  More than 1 box


	      It is not	 currently  possible  to  expand  out  of  the
	      Micro/PDP-11 while maintaining FCC compliance.

	      11/23 PLUS and Micro/PDP-11 system upgrades will require
	      an  EXTRA	 backplane  slot  to accomodate the additional
	      boot module (i.e.	 MXV11-A,-B or BDV11).
								Page 6


      12. Current System	      Upgrade
	  --------------	      -------
	  KDF11-BA		      See upgrades for category	 5.
	  Boot is on CPU
	  18 Bit System
	  1 Box system

      13. Current System	      Upgrade
	  --------------	      -------
	  KDF11-BA		      See upgrades for category	 6.
	  Boot is on CPU
	  18 Bit system
	  More than 1 box


	      It is not	 currently  possible  to  expand  out  of  the
	      11/23-S while maintaining FCC compliance.