Below is a brief description of the files contained in this distribution kit for RT-11 FLECS. FLXRT .TXT - This file. FLECS .SAV - RT-11 FLECS. [ This save file was created under version 4.0 or RT-11 and has been used under versions 3, 3B & 4 of RT-11 on both LSI-11/02 and LSI-11/23 CPU's. ] FLECS SOURCES _____________ FLMAIN.FLX This file contains the author history of RT-11 FLECS and the main program for FLECS. The main program does nothing but call subroutine FLECS. The purpose in not making subroutine FLECS the main program is to facilitate the use of FDT in debugging FLECS. Only FLMAIN and the module of interest must be compiled with line numbers to use FDT. The files FLXCD0 - FLXCD8 contain the machine independant portion of the FLECS preprocessor. The DEC-10 FLECS file FLECS.FLX was broken up into these smaller files to facilitate the creation of a reasonable overlay structure. FLXCD0.FLX SR. FLECS - (Main body of FLECS) FLXCD1.FLX SR. ANALYZE - (TO ANALYZE-NEXT-STATEMENT) FLXCD2.FLX SR. CMPEND - (TO COMPILE-END) FLXCD3.FLX SR. CMPLOP - (TO COMPILE-LOOP) FLXCD4.FLX SR. CMPSTR - (TO COMPILE-STRING) FLXCD5.FLX SR. FLXERR - (part of TO ANALYZE-ERRORS-AND-LIST) FLXCD6.FLX SR. FLXLST - (collection of LISTing internal procedures) FLXCD7.FLX SR. PROSYS - (TO PROCESS-SYSTEM-COMMAND) FLXCD8.FLX SR. PROTBL - (TO PROCESS-TABLE) The files FLXRT1-FLXRT5 contain I/O routines which are specific to RT-11. All I/O is done by means of RT-11 SYSLIB functions since RT-11 FORTRAN I/O is much slower. FLXRT1.FLX SR's GET,PUT,SLWRIT,OPENI FLXRT2.FLX SR's OPENF,CLOSEF,CLEAR,SLOOPN,SLOCLS,FLEXIT FLXRT3.FLX SR FERROR FLXRT4.FLX SR's LSTON,LSTOFF FLXRT5.FLX SR PAGE The file STRLIB.FLX contains routines to perform string and character oriented functions for FLECS. This file may be comiled seperately to create a STRING handling library for the FLECS user. STRLIB.FLX FLXAUT.FLX - Author information include file. FLXDCL.FLX - Machine independent declarations include file. FLXINC.FLX - Include file of include statements for FLXCDx files. FLXPRM.FLX - Machine dependent declarations for FLECS FLXSY1.FLX - Common declarations for FLXCDx files. - [ COMMON block FLXSY2 is also declared in this file and contains the LOGICAL*1 variables ] FLXSY3.FLX - Common declarations for FLXRTx files. FLXEDI.FLX - Edit history for RT-11 Flecs. FORTRAN SOURCES _______________ *.FTX - The result of running the above sources through FLECS. COMMAND FILES _____________ BLDFLX.COM - Command file to build FLECS [ uses files below ] CMPFLX.COM - Command file to compile FLECS sources. CMPFOR.COM - Command file to compile FORTRAN files. FLXRT .LNK - Command file to link FLECS. FLXRT .FDT - Command file to link FLECS with FDT. IDX1 .COM - Command file to generate INDEX's for machine indepedant portion of FLECS. IDX2 .COM - Command file to generate INDEX's for RT-11 specific portion of FLECS. DOCUMENTATION FILES ___________________ FLECS .MAN - A FLECS manual. FLECS .RNM - RUNOFF source for above manual. [ The manual was produced using DEC-10 RUNOFF. This RUNOFF source should be compatable with DEC-10 and RSX RUNOFF's but uses some features of RUNOFF not present in the RT-11 RUNOFF I had available. FLEX11.HLP - Help file for RT-11 FLECS. FLECS .RNH - RUNOFF source for FLEX11.HLP see note above about RUNOFF source for FLXMAN.MAN. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������