Instructions Summary -------------------- Pointer movement cmds: --------------------- ^A => Go to beginning of current line. ^B => Go back one character. ^E => Go to end of line. ^F => Go forward one character. ^N => Go to same place in next line. ^P => Go to same place in previous line. ^V => Move window down. ESC A => Go backward to start of sentence. [Not yet implemented] ESC B => Go back one word. ESC E => Go forward to start of next sentence. [Not yet implemented] ESC F => Go forward one word. ESC G => Go to specified line number in current buffer. (precede command with line number as ESC<digits>) ESC V => Move window up. ESC [ => Go to beginning of paragraph. [Not yet implemented] ESC ] => Go to end of paragraph. [Not yet implemented] ESC < => Go to beginning of buffer. ESC > => Go to end of buffer. ^X ^X => Exchange mark and pointer ^X = => Displays information about current position in buffer. Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- Buffer page commands -------------------- ESC N => Write current buffer to output file, clear buffer, and read in next page from input file. ^X A => Append next page to buffer. Inserts form feed if last read found a form feed. ^X ^N => Write all text in buffer above the current window to the output file and read in next page from input file. (Useful for editing near page boundries.) ^X N => Same as ^X ^N but does not read in next page. Useful for making some room in the buffer. Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- Search commands: ---------------- ^S => Incremental forward search. Searches for string as each character is input. Can only be exited with: (1) ESC to signify stay at current location after string found. (2) ^G to abort and return to original location. Notes: 1. "DELETE" removes characters from search string. 2. When search string is null (empty) a 2nd ^S within a search operation uses the most recent successful search string. 3. A 2nd ^S at any other time within a search operation finds the next occurance of the current search string. ^R => Incremental reverse search. Same as ^S except search progresses backwards. Leaves pointer at beginning of string found. [Not yet implemented] ESC X O => "Occurances". Display all lines containing a specified string. Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- Kill and delete commands: ------------------------- Kill operations either initialize the kill buffer with the removed text, or append the removed text to the current kill buffer contents, depending upon whether or not the pointer has moved since the last kill operation. (appends if hasn't moved) Delete operations remove the affected text and discard it. ^D => Delete next character. ^K => Kill to end of line / kill line terminator. ^W => Kill marked region. ^Y => Yank back last kill. (insert text stored in kill buffer) ESC D => Delete next word. [Not yet implemented] ESC K => Kill to end of sentence. [Not yet implemented] ESC W => Copy region between mark and pointer to kill buffer, superceding existing text. ESC Y => If used immediately after ^Y replaces the text just "unkilled" with the text that was the 2nd most recent victim. [Not yet implemented] ESC ^Y => Yanks (pulls) last defined TECO command into text buffer. ESC ^W => Append next kill to text already in kill buffer (if any). (nullified by any pointer movement or text insertion) ^X ^O => Delete blank lines from current pointer to next non-blank line. [Not yet implemented] ^X # => Kill backwards to start of sentence. [Not yet implemented] "DELETE" => Delete character before pointer. KEY Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- TECO related cmds: ------------------ ESC ESC => Enter TECO commands. Terminate with double ESC or abort with ^G. MI ESC ESC => Restart EMACS from TECO level. ESC ^Y => Insert last defined TECO command into text buffer. ESC Z => Return to TECO level. (can restart EMACS with MI$$) ESC * => View last TECO command ^X ESC => Re-execute TECO command most recently entered with ESC ESC command. Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- Miscellaneous cmds: ------------------- ^C => Return to TECO level. (can restart EMACS with MI$$) ^G => *** THIS IS THE PANIC BUTTON *** Gets you out of almost anything as long as EMACS is not "hung". ^O => Open blank line for insertion. ^Q => Use next character as text. (inserts cmds as text) ESC S => Center text in current line. Uses a default of 80 characters per line or can be preceded with an argument of form ESC<digits> which defines number of characters in line. [Not yet implemented] ESC T => Exchange words before and after pointer (does nothing if pointer is inside a word). [Not yet implemented] ESC % => "Query replace" --- Prompt for search string and its replacement, then from current pointer to end of file, find string and query user as follows: (1) Space bar: go ahead and replace this occurance. (2) ^G : abort query replace. (3) Any other key: don't replace, find next. ^X I => Insert file at current pointer position. First executes a ^X ^N to make room in the buffer. [Not yet implemented] ESC X C => Enter/exit "see-all" mode (shows ALL char in a file, even non-printing ones, with special graphics) ESC X D => Insert current date in text buffer in form MM-DD-YR ESC X R => "Replace" --- Prompt for search string and its replacement, then from current pointer to end of buffer, replace all occurances. ESC X T => Insert current time in text buffer in form HH:MM:SS ^_ => "Help on tap" --- Interactive help processor. [Not yet implemented] ESC ? => "Describe" --- Describe function of next command without executing it. [Not yet implemented] Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- File related commands: ---------------------- ^X-^R => "Read file" Reads in first page of a given file after closing the currently open file (if any). ^X-^S => "Save file" Writes buffer and rest of currently open input file to currently open output file, closes and reopens file, and reads first page back in. ^X-^V => "Visit file" Opens a given file for both input and output after closing the currently open output file (if any). ^X-^W => "Write file" Sets output file to that specified, after closing any currently open output file (if any). ^Z-^F => "Get file name" Insert most recently specified output filename into text buffer. ^Z-^Z => "Close files and exit" Close all files and exit EMACS. Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- Keyboard macro cmds: -------------------- ^X ( => Start EMACS macro collection. ^X ) => Terminate EMACS macro collection. ^X-* => "View last macro" --- Clears screen and displays last defined EMACS macro. Pressing any key returns to edit mode. Note some "commands" such as CRLF are displayed in image mode. This is built into TECO. ^X T => "Toggle update" --- Forces screen update at current command inside a macro. Useful for verifying macro is executing properly by viewing results at specific points, buts slows down execution considerably. ^X E => Execute most recently collected EMACS macro. ^X Q => When used inside a macro halts execution and waits for the user to either: (1) press space bar to continue with current macro. (2) use ^G to abort this macro and all macro repeats pending. (2) press any other key to exit current macro, without effecting any pending macro repeats. ESC X S => "Save macro" --- Saves current EMACS macro in a specified file. Prompts for file name. [Not yet implemented] ESC X L => "Load macro" --- Loads EMACS macro from a specified file. Prompts for file name. [Not yet implemented] Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- The "mark" and region cmds: --------------------------- ESC H => Mark paragraph. Puts mark at beginning of paragraph, pointer at end. [Not yet implemented] ^X ^P => Mark page --- Put mark at top of page, defined to be immediately after first form feed backwards from current pointer, or top of buffer, whichever is first. Put pointer at bottom of page, defined to be immediately after next form feed forwards from current pointer, or bottom of buffer, whichever is first. [Not yet implemented] ^X ^X => Exchange mark and pointer; useful to verify where current region is. ESC @ => Set mark at current pointer (is EMACS ^@). ESC X A => Append currently defined region to an existing file. Prompts for file name. [Not yet implemented] ESC X P => Prepend currently defined region to an existing file. Prompts for file name. [Not yet implemented] ESC X W => Write currently defined region to a new file. Prompts for file name. [Not yet implemented] Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- Case conversion cmds: --------------------- ESC C => Capitalize next word. [Not yet implemented] ESC L => Lower case next word. [Not yet implemented] ESC U => Upper case next word. [Not yet implemented] ^X ^L => Lower case marked region. ^X ^U => Upper case marked region. Instructions Summary (cont). ---------------------------- Misc. notes: ------------ 1. Most commands can be preceded with a repeat count of the form ESC<digits>. Even "commands" which are self-insertions, I.E. ESC20H inserts 20 "H"s in text buffer. 2. Commands which "view information" (such as ESC X O or ^X =) wait for the user to press any key and then return the screen to its normal window mode into the text buffer. The character input by the single key stroke is discarded. The text buffer is not affected by the view operation.