--- This note added by Pete Siemsen 12-Dec-1988: --- --- The files in this directory are from the TECOMACS directory of the VAX88B3 --- saveset from the Fall '88 VAX SIG tape. I deleted the BASIC dump program --- from the directory (because it's not TECO) and added two other TECO --- macros (EXEMAC and SCAN) which Kelvin sent me, and then I added this note --- to this file. Thanks, Kelvin. Kelvin Smith Financial Computer Systems, Inc. 1 Strawberry Hill Ct. Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 357-0504 This submission contains TECO source (.TES), TECO compiled (.TEC), and documentation (.DOC) for the following: BSLASH - Put all backslashes in a BASIC program at the beginning of a line. This can be useful for setting up a program to run STRIP on it. This macro does not have a separate documentation file. Basic documentation is found at the beginning of the source (.TES) version. CASE - Convert lower case to upper case or vice versa in an entire file, not changing letters inside quoted strings or in comments (delimited by exclamation points). This is primarily intended for working on programs; thus, quoted strings must terminate on the same physical line and comments are held to terminate at the end of a physical line if not explicitly terminated by a second exclamation point. Optionally, you can also change colons to backslashes (for changing from old versions of BASIC to current VAX BASIC/BASIC-PLUS-2 standards). Note that you don't want to use this feature if you have statement labels. This macro does not have a separate documentation file. Basic documentation is found at the beginning of the source (.TES) version. RENAME - Rename variables in a BASIC program (including hard-to-find single letter variables). RENAME works properly on extend mode BASIC-PLUS, BASIC-PLUS-2, and VAX BASIC programs. STRIP - Remove unnecessary backslashes and ampersands from BASIC programs (primarily for converting from BASIC-PLUS-2 V1.6 to BP2 V2.x). This program was previously published in the December 1984 issue, Volume 6, Number 6, of the VAX/RSTS Professional (now VAX Professional); it and the documentation have been slightly updated. TECOIN - TECO Initialization: Documentation on how TECO on RSTS and VMS gets started, and an example of how to customize the initialization process. The example includes small macros to: delete to the n-th occurrence of a given character; backup a file being edited; exit from TECO marking the position in the file for future return; delete a section of text, saving the deleted text in a q-register; set flags and adjust the file specification on entry to TECO; specify a series of commands at DCL/CCL level to be executed within TECO. This program and documentation originally appeared in the January 1988 issue of Leverage, the newsletter of the Languages & Tools SIG. The compiled TECO program is called TECO.INI, rather than TECOIN.TEC, since it would normally be used with that name (see the documentation for details). All programs were originally designed and written for RSTS. They may or may not be as usable under other operating systems.