This directory contains macros I find useful and macros I've written but haven't had the brains to delete. This is the directory I point to with TEC$MACROS. The .TES files are the commented, slow versions. The .TEC files are the uncommented, fast versions. The .DOC files tell you how to use the macros. Many of these macros come from the RSTS/E v9.5 release tape. I pulled apart the single documentation file (TECORN.DOC) in the release to make separate .DOC files. Pete Siemsen CHANGE allows user to change one string to another in a set of files specified with a wildcard filespec. I wrote this before I knew about SEARCH.TEC, and I have yet to try SEARCH. DATE computes the day of the week and leaves it in a q-register DIR Displays the files in the current directory. Used as an example (and test) of the wiladcard capability in TECO. DCLLC, FORLC, PASLC Convert keywords in DCL, FORTRAN or PASCAL to lower case. These are really old and I never use them. FMTMAC Macro-11 formatter. FORMAT An aborted attempt to make a TECO macro that will pretty-print FORTRAN. This macro will change edit buffers with 6 spaces at the front of each line into the equivalent tab-ified lines. LOCAL Macro-11 symbol re-orderer. LOWCASE load q-register L with a macro that lowercases "the rest of the line". I use this to lowercase in-line comments in FORTRAN and C. MAKPRNT Makes unprintable files (like TECO source) printable by translating unprintable characters into printable ones. SEARCH Searches for a string given the string and a wildcarded file specification. Allows the string to be changed. SQU Squishes commented TECO macros to make them fast. TECKBM Some weird RSTS/E thing. See TECKBM.DOC. TECOIN.TES Mark Bramhall's initialization macro, a good example of customization. TECO.INI My initialization macro, which sets things up so the function keys do what they should. The commented version is TECO.TES. TYPE A file displayer. The VMS TYPE command has many of the features of this macro, but not all of them. Useful on non-VMS systems. UPCASE The converse of LOWCASE. UNSQU Indents squished TECO macros. I use this to help figure out other people's uncommented TECO macros. Now if I can just get it to put back the comments... VTEDIT The newest version I know of of the classic TECO video editor.