This directory tree contains the results of an attempt to get all the TECO goodies from old RSX DECUS tapes. I searched all the old SIG tapes for files with names containing "TEC" or "TES". If a UIC contained a file that matched, I copied the whole UIC off the tape and checked it out. I saved all files that relate to TECO and deleted all files that don't, and then removed some redundant copies of files. It is likely that I didn't find some files that relate to TECO or that I mistakenly deleted some files that do relate to TECO. If so, sorry. It's probable that there are still lots of redundancies. For instance, there are several distributions of TECO-11. There is a subdirectory corresponding to each tape that contains files of interest, and subdirectories under that for each UIC that came from the tape. Thus [..RSX.87A.342002] contains TECO-related files from the [342,002] UIC on the spring 87 RSX SIG tape. [rsx.77b] from fall 77 RSX tape [.300010] [.340100] [.342100] [rsx.78a] from spring 78 RSX tapes [.300041] tape number 1 [.342200] tape number 2 (parity errors) [.342240] tape number 2 (parity errors) [.342300] tape number 2 (parity errors) [rsx.78b] from fall 78 RSX tape [.312315] [.313001] [.341310] [rsx.79a] from spring 79 RSX tapes [.300051] tape number 1 [rsx.80b] from fall 80 RSX tape [.313010] [.341001] [.370040] [.370041] [.370110] [rsx.81a] from spring 81 RSX tape [.300102] [.373033] [.373302] [.300120] [rsx.82b] from fall 82 RSX tape [.312315] [.333100] [.333103] [rsx.83a] from spring 83 RSX tape [.312356] [.370335] [rsx.84a] from spring 84 RSX tape [.200002] [rsx.84b] from fall 84 RSX tape [.351075] [.351103] [.370011] [rsx.85a] from spring 85 RSX tape [.312315] [rsx.86b] from fall 86 RSX tape [.330102] [rsx.87a] [.307022] [.311025] [.312315] [.341001] [.342002]