EDMACS is a screen editor modeled after MIT's EMACS editor. It provides a rich set of editing commands: * Cursor movement by character, word, line, sentence, and screenful. * Deletion of characters, words and lines, and blocks of text. * Block movement of text, character, word and line transposition. * Forward and reverse searching; queried string replacement. * Text centering, case conversion, indentation assistance. * Online help On line help includes both a listing of commands and individual descriptions of each command. Considerable care is taken to prevent users from unintentionally moving over or deleting one char of a carriage return/linefeed pair Users who write their own macros may take advantage of the internal macro for detecting CR/LF pairs N chars away from the cursor (which is used by all of the builtin character operations). Fast runtime response results from a novel dispatch table approach. Users may write their own EDMACS commands in TECO. To facilitate this, the internal structure of EDMACS is described in the latter part of the manual and all all of the EDMACS internal routines are documented. User written routines may be created during an edit session, and "bound" to control sequences. Both user written and existing commands can be rebound to new keys, permitting EDMACS to look like other editors. A user's Initialization file can define private commands, load libraries of commands and/or and set up command bindings to the user's liking. Included in the EDMACS distribution is a screen oriented INFO retrieval program.