EDMACS is a screen editor modeled after MIT's EMACS editor. It provides: * Cursor movement by character, word, line, sentence, screenful. * Deletion of characters, words, lines, and blocks of text. * Block moves and character, word and line transposition. * Forward and reverse searching; queried string replacement. * Text centering, case conversion, indentation assistance. * On-line Help: List of commands, and help on each individual command. * Protection from being caught unawares between CR and LF. * Confirmation is requested for operations such as file saves. * Fast runtime response results from a novel dispatch table approach. User written routines may be created during an edit session, and "bound" to control sequences. Both user written and existing commands can be rebound to new keys, permitting EDMACS to look like other editors. A user's Initialization file may contain private commands, load libraries, and/or set up personal command bindings. The 66 page manual explains how to use EDMACS, describes all commands, and documents EDMACS internals, discussing the internal structure, and at giving least a paragraph describing each internal routine. A 6 page 'instant' is also included. Included with the EDMACS distribution is a screen oriented INFO retrieval program, modeled after MIT's INFO program. Caveats: While EDMACS will run as is on RSTS/E, this version has not been tested with RT11 or RSX-11. Minor changes may be needed for these. An earlier version has run on both. Documentation refers to the use of teleray terminals in addition to VT52 and VT100 style terminals. To use edmacs with teleray's you need assemble the provided CRTRUB.MAC and link it with the rest of TECO. Other terminals may be supported by editing CRTRUB.MAC.