CONTROL COMMANDS C-A Start Of Line C-B Backward Character C-C Not a command C-D Delete Character C-E End of Line C-F Forward Character C-H Back character C-I Insert TAB C-J Indent New line C-K Kill Line C-L Redraw screen C-M Carriage Return C-N Next line C-P Previous Line C-R Reverse SEARCH C-T Transpose characters C-V View Next Screen C-W Wipe Region of text C-X eXtended commands C-Y Yank back region of text C-Z SEARCH forwards C-[ command prefix C-_ or C-? Set Mark (use C-? on Telerays) ESCAPE COMMANDS ESC- H HELP screen! ESC- < Start of Buffer ESC- > End of buffer ESC- Rubout Delete Word Backward ESC- B Backward Word ESC- C Capitalize Word ESC- D Delete Word ESC- F Forward Word ESC- L Lowercase Word ESC- Q Quote next character ESC- S Center Line ESC- T Transpose words ESC- U Uppercase words ESC- V View last screen ESC- W Wipe region (no kill) ESC- Z Repeat search ESC ESC Execute TECO command ESC $ Repeat TECO command ESC- C-R Query Replace ESC- C-T Transpose Lines SPECIAL NAMES C-H Backspace C-J Linefeed C-M Carriage Return EXTENDED COMMANDS C-X C-Z Exit and save file C-X C-V Visit (Get/save) file C-X C-W Placeholding Save C-X C-X Swap Point and mark C-X C-P Page thru file C-X C-A Append to buffer C-X C-Y Yank page C-X O Enter Overprint Mode C-X Q Quit to TECO or leave overprint mode C-X # Set key binding C-X $ Enable TECO commands QUERY REPLACE "Query Replace" .. Enter string to Search for. "With" .. Enter new string When Query Replace shows you each occurrence, type one of these commands: Space .. Change and show next. N .. No change and show next. . .. Change and exit. ! .. Change all rest and exit. C-G .. Just exit. Any other response will show a list of valid responses. TECO COMMANDS Any legal TECO commands may be used except you must not alter Q Registers A through T. You may use the EDMACS commands: RUBOUT, C-A, C-E, C-F, C-B, C-N, C-P and C-L to edit the command. Exit via two ESCAPEs. Note that neither of the escapes will be part of the command string, even though the first will echo. The ESC that terminates a string may not be one of the escapes used to execute the TECO command. To abort the TECO command, type C-G. NOTE that TECO commands are initially disabled because it is easy to type ESC ESC by accident on telerays. Use C-X $ to enable TECO commands. STARTING EDMACS MU [44,12]EDMACS filnam.ext or MU [44,12]EDMACS outname=inname These commands will start up to edit a file. If it does not exist, a new one will be created. If the second form is used, outname will be the result file, and EDMACS will take its input from inname. CHANGING FILES WITHIN EDMACS C-X C-V This command will offer to save the file currently being edited. You can answer Yes or No. Then you will be asked the name of a new file to edit. Give EDMACS the name, type a return, and EDMACS will edit that file. LEAVING EDMACS C-X C-Z This command will exit EDMACS in the same manner that EX$$ exits TECO except that EDMACS will ask you to confirm with a "Yes" before it will exit and save your file. INSERTION Just type in your text. It will show on your screen automatically. Note that while RETURN will position you at the start of a fresh line, the LINEFEED key will additionally indent enough to match the indentation on the last non-blank line. OVERPRINT The only "special MODE" Causes what you type to replace what is under the cursor instead of shoving it to the right as usual. To exit Overprint Mode, use C-X Q. SEARCHING The command C-Z prompts you for a string to search for. Type in what you want to find, then type ESCAPE twice. If the search fails, the bell will sound. ESC -Z will repeat the search, and C-R will do a search in the reverse direction.