0MT - fix screen on control C This routine should only be necessary on RSTS/E systems. It fixes the damage done to the screen by the RSTS/E terminal driver which for same braindamaged reason will always echo a control C followed by a CR/LF combination even when echo is turned off. 1MT - Forward Search Prompts for you to type in a a string followed by two escapes and then searches for that string. 2MT - Reverse Search Prompts for you to type in a a string followed by two escapes and then searches backwards through the buffer for that string. 3MT (heart of search not for keying) dont worry about it ! 4MT Quote Next Char Forces the next character you type to be inserted, not allowing it to be interpeted as a command. 5MT center line Centers the current line within the screen. 6MT repeat last search Searches for the thing last searched for. The object of a replace counts as a search. 7MT TECO command Run a TECO "minibuffer". This gives you a four line window within which you can prepare a TECO command for execution. Most characters will insert themselves, including ESCAPE. Two consecutively typed escapes will start execution of the TECO command and neither of those two escapes will be part of that command. Legal EDMACS commands within the minibuffer are: C-A, C-B, C-E, C-F, C-N, C-P, Rubout As is true with other EDMACS commands, C-G will cause an abrupt exit. It will cause an immediate return to EDMACS. 8MT Repeat TECO command This command causes the last TECO command generated within a TECO "minibuffer" to be reexecuted. 9MT Store text Copies all of the text between point and mark into the "cut buffer" You can use the "yank" command (usually on C-Y) to yank it back. 10MT Yank text Restores text placed in the cut buffer by one of the "wipe commands". 11MT Wipe text (store, then remove) This command loads the "cut buffer" with the region between point and mark, and then removes it from the buffer. 12MT Transpose Lines Transposes the line(s) above the cursor with the lines below the cursor and then leaves the cursor below the bottom transposed line. 13MT Transpose Words transposes the word ending to the right of the cursor with the previous word and then leaves the cursor at the end of the word. 14MT General Help Command Gives you a choice of two kinds of help. You can type I Individual command's help L List Commands on screen Q Quit Help The first Line on an individual help entry tells you 2 things. 1) "General Help Command" is the name of the command. 2) "14MT" is the name you can use from your own TECO macro to invoke this (the help) function. This is of use only if you are writing your own TECO macros for EDMACS, or want to change Key bindings The rest of the individual command's help listing just tells you more about the command. 15MT - Query Replace Prompts you to type in a string to replace, and then to type in a string to replace it with. After the first occurence is found, the cursor will be positioned after it and EDMACS will pause waiting for you to type in one of the following keys: Space - Replace and show me the next occurence. N - No replace and show me the next occurence. . - Replace this one and no more. ! - Replace all the rest without asking me again. ? - Give me a list of these options. C-G - Exit "Query replace" immediately. 16MT Forward Sentence Moves forward to the end of the current sentence. 17MT Backward Sentence Move back to the start of this sentence. 18MT Go To Line This command goes to the line specified by the ESCAPE argument. If you gave it no argument, it will go to line 1. 19MT Fix Imbedded Backspaces Locates a backspace, then deletes both it and the character following it. Use this command to remove accidentally typed backspaces. You can also use this to turn underlined text of the form: _ into non underlined text.