There Is No Such C-X COMMAND 1MU CONTROL X CONTROL C MESSAGE This used to be a command. It now just tells you that C-X C-C has been moved to C-X C-Z 2MU Swap Point and Mark C- X C-X Exchanges The previously set mark with the current cursor. Lets you see just what area is marked. Also useful for switching back and forth between two areas of text. 3MU Enable TECO commands C- X $ EDMACS's ability to pass TECO commands directly to TECO via the "execute TECO" command will not work unless bit 14 (value 16384) of Qk is set. This command provides a convenient way to turn this feature on. 4MU Overprint Mode C- X O Sets overprint mode, where typing new characters will replace any characters already on the screen, and rubouts will leave blank space. Recursively calls the EDMACS command loop. To exit overprint mode, use C-X Q. 5MU NO such Command! 6MU Set Key C- X # This is one of EDMACS's most powerful functions. It alters the current state of the keymap. This lets you redefine commands from the keyboard, and allows you to bind commands created during the current editing session to keys. It prompts you twice. The first prompt asks you for a Q-reg name and routine number. The second prompt wants to know what key you want to bind the function to. See the EDMACS manual for more details. This is NOT a command to use casually. 7MU Quit EDMACS C- X Q Exit the command loop. This command really works by making Qg negative, which you should never allow a macro to do unless it is your intent to leave the command loop. This command is also used to leave the recursively called command loop used by "overprint mode. 8MU Page File C- X C-P Reads in the next page of the input file after writing the buffer onto the output file. Behaves exactly like TECO's P command, except does nothing if there is no output file open. (TECO complains bitterly about that). (sorry there is a bug when no file is open.... it'll get fixed soon) 9MU Exit and save C- X C-Z Behaves just like TECO's EX command, except asks you to confirm before saving your file. If there is no open file to be saved AND the buffer is empty, EDMACS will exit without asking for confirmation. If given a negative argument; i.e ESC - C-X C-Z, this command will skip the save, and just exit. 10MU Append Page C- X C-A Same as TECO's A command. Appends page from input file to end of buffer. 11MU Yank Page C- X C-Y Same as TECO's Y command. Yanks page from input file into buffer. Does nothing if the text buffer is not empty. 12MU No such Command! 13MU Save Intermediate File C- X C-W Allows you to save the file you are editing, without losing your place. A marker is placed in the saved file to hold the place, and will be removed by a normal save from the same EDMACS session, or may be removed by TECO with the /FIND switch. 14MU Visit File C- X C-V The all purpose filing command. Visit file displays the following behaviour: 1) If no file is open goes straight to step 2 else offers to save the file. You may answer Yes or No. answering Yes saves the file, answering no causes all changes made to be discarded. 2) Gives a name of a file to edit. Typing a carriage return will cause EDMACS to edit that file. Typing a filename instead will cause EDMACS to edit or create a file with the new name. This command is also useful as an aid to transferring text from one file to another. 15MU - Show Location Prints out the current value of Point, the current line relative to the start of the buffer, and the location of the mark if it is set. THERE IS NO SUCH CONTROL X COMMAND