STARTING EDMACS MU [44,12]EDMACS filnam.ext or MU [44,12]EDMACS outname=inname These commands will start up to edit a file. If it does not exist, a new one will be created. If the second form is used, outname will be the result file, and EDMACS will take its input from inname. LEAVING EDMACS C-X C-Z This command will exit EDMACS in the same manner that EX$$ exits TECO except that EDMACS will ask you to confirm with a "Yes" before it will exit and save your file. CHANGING FILES WITHIN EDMACS C-X C-V This command will offer to save the file currently being edited. You can answer Yes or No. Then you will be asked the name of a new file to edit. Give EDMACS the name, type a return, and EDMACS will edit that file. INTERMEDIATE SAVES C-X C-W This will write out your buffer with the TECO "/FIND" marker, read back in the newly written version, and delete the "/FIND" marker, returning you to the same place on the screen that you were at before using this command. INSERTION Just type in your text. It will show on your screen automatically. Note that while RETURN will position you at the start of a fresh line, the LINEFEED key will additionally indent enough to match the indentation on the last non-blank line. OTHER COMMANDS: See Next Page