STARTING EDMACS MU [44,12]EDMACS filnam.ext or MU [44,12]EDMACS outname=inname These commands will start up to edit a file. If it does not exist, a new one will be created. If the second form is used, outname will be the result file, and EDMACS will take its input from inname. CHANGING FILES WITHIN EDMACS C-X C-V This command will offer to save the file currently being edited. Answer Yes or No. You will then be asked to name another file to edit. Type its name, a return, and begin editing it. LEAVING EDMACS C-X C-Z Exit and Save. Edmacs will ask you to confirm with 'Yes' before exiting. ESC -1 C-X C-Z With a negative argument, Edmacs will exit without saving. INSERTION Start typing immediately. There is no insert command. Whatever you type is inserted. While the RETURN key will move you to the start of a fresh line line, the LINEFEED key will indent the new line to match the indentation present on the last non blank line. OVERPRINT The only "special MODE" Causes what you type to replace what is under the cursor instead of shoving it to the right as usual. To exit Overprint Mode, use C-X Q. SEARCHING The command C-Z prompts you for a string to search for. Type in what you want to find, then type ESCAPE twice. If the search fails, the bell will sound. ESC -Z will repeat the search, and C-R will do a search in the reverse direction. SAMPLE EXECUTION +---------------------------------+ | _ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+ Typed: Hi! +---------------------------------+ | Hi!_ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+ Typed: My name is Tommy Totoh +---------------------------------+ | Hi! My name is Tommy Totoh_ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+ Typed: C-B +---------------------------------+ | Hi! My name is Tommy Totoh^H_ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+ Typed: Rubout Rubout +---------------------------------+ | Hi! My name is Tommy toh^H_ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+ Typed: ot +---------------------------------+ | Hi! My name is Tommy Tooth^H_ | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+ Typed: ESC-B ESC-B +---------------------------------+ | Hi! My name is T^H_ommy Tooth | | | | | | | +---------------------------------+ Typed: +---------------------------------+ | Hi! My name is | | T^H_ommy Tooth | | | | | +---------------------------------+ When you start out for the first time the screen is blank as is the one at left. When you start typing, what you type appears on the screen as you are typing it. See what happens when we type the word "Hi!" OK, we've typed "Hi!". The screen now contains the word "Hi!". If we type some more, we should see more appear on the screen. Let's see what happens. Well it looks like it still works. What we have typed has appeared on the screen. Oops! Looks like we have typed the word "Tooth" wrong. Let's see how we fix it. We need to go backwards. Press the control key and "B" together for the control command "backwards". Now we are immediately following the mistake and we can rub out the two characters that we typed wrong. OK, we've pressed rubout twice. See how the two characters vanished? Now we are ready to put the letters "ot" in there. All we need to do is to type them. Well, that looks ok. Say, would'nt it be nice if the name were on a line all by itself? I think so! To do this, we want to go back two words. (To the beginning of the name Tommy). To do this, we press the ESCAPE key, release it, and then press "B". This is called "ESCAPE backwards" and just as we used "control backwards" to move back a letter, we use ESC-B for moving back by a word. Here, we had to do this twice since we needed to go back by two words. Finally, we type a carriage return which moves the rest of the line down to the beginning of the next line.