! TEK4EDIT.TXT;5    (DK0:[22,22])  12344 Bytes at  18.9.1984  13:16 !


  runs as an additional program on all installations, where TECO
  is available  (TECO V36, RSX, VMS).
  It is especially useful for program edition, not so suitable
  for typewriting secretaries.
  Since only the normal typewriter keyboard is used, this program
  may be changed for other teminals too (see HP26EDIT for HEWLETT-
  PACKARD Terminals).

  D. Glasenapp,  KFA/IFF JUELICH. Postfach 1913, D-5170 JUELICH
     Tel.: 02461/614008


Handling of TEK4EDIT

Call TECO by typing:

>TEC filespec <RET>

Wait a moment, until all programs are loaded.
You will see the top lines of your file  including an automatically
generated new haedline containing actual information about your file.
From now on you can work with normal TECO as usual, or choose the
Full Screen Editor TEK4EDIT with:

<ESC><ESC> MM <ESC><ESC>   <ESC> = <ALT> on your terminal (see INSTALLATION).

Press the  H  (HELP) key  and you get a view over the keyboard with all
the associated commands, like this:

Dec. 32      40         50        60    64    70        80        90
Num.  2345678901234567 8901234567890123  45678901234567890123456789012345
     SP!"#$%%'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>?  @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
Q-Registers used  U/Q: -----11111         11-------1111-----11------
               ^U/M+X: ------MMMM         MX-----M-M-XMMM--XX-M-X---

-----------  TEKTRONIX  ------  4010  ------  KEYBOARD  -----------------
                                                      Top  PAGE  End   P
                                                         * <-M-> =     A
       1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    0    : <-M-> -     G
     (   Free Q-registers    )                         Up SCREEN       E
ALT=    Q     W    E    R    T   Y  U   I    O      P       LINE
                                             [       \  <-D-> +         B
CTRL   A     S      D     F    G   H    J    K       L  <-M-> ; RUB RE- R
    SEARCH        FOUND      UNSAVE     to  Save    X,K,G               A
                            W,L,B,P    Mark W,L,B,P LINE                K
      <-BOL                          ^             < <-D-> >  ?-D->
SHIFT   Z     X    C    V      B     N     M       , <-M-> .  /-M-> SHIFT
     CTRL/Z  Save      DOWN  X,K,G   UP   Mark,      CHAR.    TO END
     ->TEC* W,L,B,P     IN   REGION  IN    MM =               OF LINE
                       LINE         LINE TEXEDIT
              [     S P A C E   =   SCREEN  REFRESH     ]
( M = MOVE,   D = DELETE + SAVE )

You will recognize the 3 PAIR OF KEYS at the right for cursor movement
or deletion of text.

Press <SPACE> to return to your text.


<RETURN>      Move cursor to the beginning of the next line.
<LINE FEED>   Move cursor to the beginning of the previous line.

V	Move cursor down one line but leaving it in the line
	(as good as possible).
N (^)	Move cursor up one line and remain in the same column.

.	Move cursor right one character.
,	Move cursor left  one character.

	At the end of a line a 'cl' is printed, to show you that there
	are two ASCIISs <CR>+<LF>, and to give a hint where you are.

;	Move cursor to the beginning of the next word.
L	Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word.

/	Move cursor to the end of the line
	(in front of <CR><LF>,  to extend the line).
Z	Move cursor to the beginning of the line.

-	Move cursor 30 lines further on  and show the new (screen) page.
:	Move cursor 30 lines up  and display the (screen) page.

=	Move cursor to the end of your text buffer (EOPage).
*	Move cursor to the top of your text buffer.

J	Cursor is moved to the previously defined MARK (with M).

<SPACE> Rewrite screen with centered cursor.



>	Delete one character at cursor (above the underlining cursor).
	Nothing is saved.
	Behind the end of text in a line you must delete twice <CR+LF>,
	to combine two lines.
<	Delete character left to the cursor.

The commands SAVE, DELETE, KILL, and GET build a community:
 -1 They work on entities of  a word, a line, a freely selected region,
    or a paragraph.
 -2 Before deletion  these entities will be stored in one of 4 special
    registers,  so they can be re-inserted somewhere later by the GET
    command  (W-, L-, B-, and P-Register).

+	Delete the next WORD.
	Delete and save in the  W-register all characters from the
	cursor position to the end of the nearest word to the right.
	If you are in the middle of a word, the rest will be saved
	and deleted.
	Words in this context means: ALPHANUMERICS.
	<CR>,<LF> are not words, these remain untouched.
\	(Delete the previous word, is not implemented)

?	Delete all from the cursor position to the end of the LINE
	(without <CR>+<LF>). Save this in the  L-register.

KILL (+ Save) of entities:  (DELETE, CUT)

KW	Kill the WORD you are in  and save it in the  W-register.

KL	Kill the whole LINE without notice where you are
	and save it in the  L-register.

KB	Kill a selectable REGION of text.  (Region = Bereich)
	First define the beginning of the text by moving the cursor
	to it and press  M. This will set the MARK (overwrites the
	Then move (up or down) to the end of your region and type  KB.
	Everything between this is saved in the  B-register  and deleted.

KP	Kill the PARAGRAPH in which the cursor is  and store it in the
	P-register. (Everything between two <CR-LF-CR-LF>-combinations).

K<ESC>	Kill nothing.  If you have hit  K, the bell will sound and a  K
	will be printed  to get your attention. If K was an error,
	press <ESC> and nothing will be done.

SAVE (without deletion) of entities:

	Save a word, a line, a region, and a paragraph in the same way
	as above in the registers  without touching the text buffer.

XX	Save the contents of the line from cursor position to the
	beginning of the next line (inclusive <CR,LF>) in the
	In addition to register X you can use  C, V, G, 1...4 in old
	TECO manner (see usage of registers above the HELP-lines).

GET TEXT OUT of the registers   (PASTE, UNSAVE):

	Re-insert at cursor position everything which is in one of the
	36 TECO registers, especially the 5 former filled registers.
	The cursor is set to the beginning of the inserted text
	for further alterations.

INSERTION of text:
Insertion of any text including all special CTRL/-Characters  is done
in TECO manner by typing  'I', then your text, and close it up with
one or two <ESC>.
The 'RUB OUT' key for deletion of input will go backwards and mark the
deleted characters  with the advantage that you always are in the
correct column of your text.
If you get into input mode  the beginning of the line up to the cursor
position is printed out  so you can complete a word or sentence without
overwriting the text.

Insertion of lower/upper case = small/capital letters:
Normally all input is converted to CAPITAL letters. But as there is
a great demand for small letters, here is a simple resolution:
The CTRL/T-Flip-Flop. If you are in input mode  type  CTRL/T
and from now on all letters are converted to small letters 
as long as you type  CTRL/T again. Every non-capital letter is
preceded by an apostrophy on input.

The case will continue till the end of the session or till it is
switched,  and will include the commands REPLACE and FS.

SEARCH for a string.  (FIND):
S	Press 'S', type in the 'string' you are searching for
	and an <ESC>.
	Only searching down is possible (otherways go up one (screen)
	page and search). Capital and small letters are treated in the
	same way.

A	Repeat the search.  (FINDNEXT):
	Search for the last defined 'string' again.

D	Delete the 'string' that was found.

R	Replace the 'string' that was found by a new 'text'
	in the same manner as in insert mode. Close it up with <ESC>.

Q	Repeat Replace.  (SELECT + CUT + PASTE):
	Only press  Q. The last found 'string' will be replaced by
	'text', lastly defined in Replace.

N	Global search over (buffer) page boundaries through to the end
	of your file.

O	After  O  you can define all normal TECO commands, closing up
	with <ESC><ESC>.  E.g. <FSabc$def$>$$,  5XX$$.
CTRL/Z	Return to normal TECO editor, when in Full Screen Mode.

MM <ESC><ESC>  If you are in normal TECO Editor, you get into the
	Full Screen Editor TEK4EDIT by calling the Macro M.


EX	EXIT,  all is saved in the new file.

3 times CTRL/C
3 times CTRL/Z  (QUIT)  Get out of the Editor. Files are not touched.



This system works with a PDP11/34, RSX11M V3.2, TECO V36, TEKTRONIX 4010
terminal. 9600 Baud. Since the cursor position is very important in
this mode  the cursor should be brightened up as much as possible
(otherwise in search mode you will be searching for the searching searcher).

On some older terminals the antiquated  ALT key  (ASCII = 125 = } (new) )
must be rewired to  ESC (ASCII = 27), because ESC is the essential
key in TECO.  Cut the two leads to the  ALT key (to pin 2 of 74154 and
pin 4 of 74151) and connect the key pins to pin 4 of 74154 and 13 of
74151, adding a 4.7k resistor from 13 to +5V.

To use TEK4EDIT you must have 2 programs  besides TECO:
Place the Macro TEK4EDIT.TEC anywhere in LB:[1,1], [1,2] or so.
Write a new  TECO.INI  for your own UIC. This  TECO.INI  containes
one line only:
It loads the  TEK4EDIT.TEC Macro into your buffer when TECO is called.

BELL:	The BELL sounds, when special attention is desired:
	-1 after  K (Kill),
	-2 the searched 'string' could not be found,
	-3 if a key has no effect, you hit the wrong key.

If you don't want to use the Screen Editor at all,
or if your file is TOO LONG to fit into the text buffer
(together with TEK4EDIT) (24k Bytes), call TECO by:

>TEC filespec/NOI <RET>    = No initialisation.

Then cut your file into two pages by inserting a  CTRL/L = Form Feed
somewhere between lines, make EX  and call TECO again:

>TEC filespec <RET>

To get a new (buffer) PAGE  type:
   It writes the contents of the work buffer into the new file and
   reads a new page from the old file into that buffer.

There will be a Memeory File in your UIC (TECF00.TMP) which remembers
file specifications from the last call for TECO.  So if you want to
work on the same file again, only type:


1. It is not possible to work on lines longer than 80 columns correctly.
   TECO uses the line as an entity, while hp automatically induces a
   wrap-around (<CR-LF>), so the connection between both is lost.
   If you meet superlong lines  cut them into pieces or shorten them
   beginning from the top of the screen downwards, using Refresh Screen
   <SPACE> as often as necessary.

Good Luck  wishes the author !