This directory tree contains DECUS Software Library entries that relate to TECO. [.11-333] The distribution of TECO-11 version 36, with source code, a manual and miscellaneous macros, including VTEDIT.TEC Note: newer sources are in [--.TECO11], and I deleted the .OLB, .TSK and .OBJ files, and the .DOC files. [.11-450] Empty: the files appear elsewhere in the Collection. [.11-641] Paul Mennen's H19 and VT-100 video editors for TECO-11 under RT-11SJ, TSX and RSX-11M. Well commented. [.11-737] Mitch Bloom's "EMACS" for TECO-11 under RSTS/E. [.11-781] VTEDIT for TEK 4010 terminals. [.11-783] VTEDIT for HP 2648A and 2649A terminals. [.11-821] Robert Marcum's SEARCH macro and STRIPR, an SQU-like macro. [.11-843] see [VAX-138] [.VAX-138] John Alexander's "file manipulation executives", TECO macros to do a whole lot of things to files. This seems to be the same stuff that's in [11-843]. File [11-183]ABS.DOC contains some extra documentation. [.VAX-193] VTEDIT under VAX TPU. Pete Siemsen 645 Ohio Ave. #302 Long Beach, Ca. 90814 (213) 433-3059 (home) (213) 743-0731 (work) Internet: