<<<< <<<< Enter "Yes" THEN ENTER A CONTROL Z >>>> <<<< if you want to see records with duplicate key fields, >>>> <<<< otherwise "No." If any records are too short >>>> <<<< (that is, the entire sort field doesn't exist) >>>> <<<< error messages are produced. >>>> <<<< Either remove these records, that are typically not of the >>>> <<<< desired type or pad out short fields with blanks. >>>> <<<< When sorting directories, the date, null directory segment >>>> <<<< delimeter records, or free blocks message in directories >>>> <<<< are frequently too short for sorting. >>>> <<<< >>>> <<<< Note that if warnings are not produced, the >>>> <<<< ordering of duplicate records is not changed >>>> <<<< from the way they orginally appeared, but if warnings >>>> <<<< are produced the final ordering of the duplicates >>>> <<<< is backwards from how the records originally appeared. >>>> <<<< This causes the warning to be printed only once for >>>> <<<< each duplicate record. It also allows the records >>>> <<<< to be put into descending order by first sorting >>>> <<<< them into ascending order and then sorting again with >>>> <<<< 0 field length and Yes to the warnings prompt. >>>> <<<< >>>> <<<< WARNING: IF ONLY ONE character IS ENTERED BE SURE TO ALSO >>>> <<<< ENTER A CARRIAGE RETURN SINCE THE SYSTEM WILL LOOSE A SINGLE >>>> <<<< CHARACTER. IF YOU FORGET THIS THE EFFECT WILL BE AS IF YOU >>>> <<<< HAD TYPED IN A "No". >>>> <<<< >>>> <<<< Enter "Yes" OR "No" THEN ENTER A CONTROL Z >>>> <<<< >>>>